With three daughters to support, my dad quickly climbed the ranks in the restaurant industry through an amazing dedication and determination to succeed. He definitely taught my sisters and I our work ethics that so many of our bosses have praised us for.
I remember walking home from school in the 5th grade when some horrible high school boys pulled up on their bikes and showed me some inappropriate pictures and said so
me really mean things to me. When I got home crying, I told my dad what had happened and he literally jumped in his car and started to hunt these boys down for making his little girl cry. He never found them, but when I remember that incident, I always remember what my dad did for me and I smile. Although he has slowly had to let go of his little girls, I know he'd get in his car and chase someone down even to this day, if I just asked him to.
He and my sister, Erika, li
ve together. Which I think has worked out well for both of them, especially since John Patrick was born. My dad loves this baby! I was too young to remember how he interacted with Robbie and Amanda when they were babies, but let me tell you that I have never seen him gush over a baby like he does with his first grandson. And this boy loves his Papi! If my dad is in the room, John Patrick wants to be with my dad. It doesn't matter who else is there, if Papi is there, John Patrick wants to be in his arms. It really is so great to see the two of them together.
I have to say, that one of the most amazing things about my father is how he t
ook in my brother. With all the dead-beat dads out there, it is a rare occasion when a man takes in a child as his own on his own free will. From the time that Robbie came into our lives when he was 6 weeks old, my dad believed his prayers of having a boy were answered. My brother has told me on numerous occasions how blessed he is that God put dad in his life, and I know that my father feels the same about him. My dad has made sure that Robbie has always been taken care of and truly, without a doubt considers him his son. They share a special bond that only a father and a son share.

My dad is one of the most generous people I know. He never forgets a birthday and is always willing to give whether it be monetarily or with his time or excellent cooking skills! He loves a good party and having a good time. Whenever anyone in the family is looking for something to do, we always call him. He is always willing to host a family get together, even at the last minute.
Thank you Daddy for being there for all of us. We all know that we can always come to you if we ever need anything. Thank you for being such a great friend and dad! I am so thankful for you!
Happy 40th Birthday, Daddy! I love you!!
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