Larry makes me happier than I could ever have imagined. He can totally make me laugh like no other. He is truly gifted in being funny and I often find myself just thinking of something he said or did and literally laughing out loud. He is, by far, the funniest person I know which is absolutely wonderful for the marriage. I can't imagine going through life without laughing, especially after the rough year we've had with my health and the accident, it really is the best medicine. If you've ever heard me say that the only reason we are still married is because how much he makes me laugh, that is a little bit of an exaggeration. I think we'd still be married, just definitely not as happy.
We don't anticipate or expect gifts on Valentine's Day. We did gifts for a long time, and now the fact that we are still together and still in love more than ever is gift enough for me. He has bought me one store bought card in all the years we've been together that I can remember, but I can show you the most beautiful things he has hand written me on food tickets (when he used to be a waiter) and notebook paper.
I can't imagine that its easy to love or live with me. I work on being a better person daily. I am so grateful that he is willing to stick by me while I work on me.
I love you so much. Thank you for being my own personal comedian when I need to laugh, my handyman when I need anything in my life to be fixed, my muscle when I need to be carried, my nurse when I am sick, my rock when things in life aren't good, a shoulder when I need to cry, my best friend when I need to have a good time, my lover when I need to be held and my soul mate when I need someone who just gets me. You are truly amazing.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Awwwwwww. You're so sweet and so in love. I love it!