My baby sister, Amanda, is 23 years old today. I can't even believe it. If she's 23, that means I'm - well, let's just say it means I'm older than she is.

My mom started working out of the house when Amanda was little, and I was left in charge. This meant that I was able to discipline her. Funny when your older sister is able to spank and ground you, but that's the way it was for poor, little Amanda. I'll never forget one of the first times I spanked her and I had to run out of the room and cry! I couldn't stand to see my baby hurt!
We did everything together. I taught her how to say her ABC's, how to read, how to swim, how to ride a bike, and how to hide from and get away from strangers. I taught her all of the states and their capitals when she was 3 years old (she was one smart kid!), and when I got older and wanted to go out with friends, she came with me, which I guess has stuck, since even to this day if I don't want to go somewhere by myself, I call her.
Amanda and I have always had a very special closeness. When she was eight years old, she had to have surgery to repair her ear drum and have her adenoids removed. The family waited anxiously in the waiting room to hear from the doctors to know that she was okay. When the nurse came out, she asked "Is there a "Tina" out here?" We told her that I was "Tina" and she said "Amanda is asking for you." Although it might have stung my mom just a little that her baby was asking for me instead of her, I'm sure that she was happy to know that her daughters have such a special bond.
One evening when my sisters and I were at a friends house, I went for a walk around the block with Erika and the 2 older friends. Amanda begged to go, but I told her to play with her friend and that I would be right back as I just wanted the "big kids" to go. Apparently, not long after I had gone, the little boy that Amanda was playing with swung a metal bat and hit her in the head. When we got back from our walk, I ran into the house when I heard her screams. The lady that was watching us had a bag of ice on her head and she said that she had been screaming for me since it happened. I felt so bad that I didn't let her come with me. I just knew that if I would have let her come, she wouldn't have gotten hurt and I felt horrible that she was crying for me and I wasn't there. My "motherly" instincts came naturally when it came to Amanda. God definitely knew what He was doing when he surprised us with her!
Amanda and I have always had a very special closeness. When she was eight years old, she had to have surgery to repair her ear drum and have her adenoids removed. The family waited anxiously in the waiting room to hear from the doctors to know that she was okay. When the nurse came out, she asked "Is there a "Tina" out here?" We told her that I was "Tina" and she said "Amanda is asking for you." Although it might have stung my mom just a little that her baby was asking for me instead of her, I'm sure that she was happy to know that her daughters have such a special bond.
One evening when my sisters and I were at a friends house, I went for a walk around the block with Erika and the 2 older friends. Amanda begged to go, but I told her to play with her friend and that I would be right back as I just wanted the "big kids" to go. Apparently, not long after I had gone, the little boy that Amanda was playing with swung a metal bat and hit her in the head. When we got back from our walk, I ran into the house when I heard her screams. The lady that was watching us had a bag of ice on her head and she said that she had been screaming for me since it happened. I felt so bad that I didn't let her come with me. I just knew that if I would have let her come, she wouldn't have gotten hurt and I felt horrible that she was crying for me and I wasn't there. My "motherly" instincts came naturally when it came to Amanda. God definitely knew what He was doing when he surprised us with her!

About a year after Larry and I were married, and 6 months after we moved into our new house, Amanda moved in with us. It was SO much fun! She was the best roomie ever! We (yes, even Larry) really enjoyed having her with us for that year. Too many funny things happened while she lived with us to put in this post, but one thing is for sure, Larry, Amanda and I will never forget that year!
Over the years, the "Titi" turned into "Tina" and before I knew it, my baby was all grown up! Fortunately, she will ALWAYS call me Tina, and I wouldn't have it any other way. As a matter of fact, when she was in Junior High, she tried to call me "Christina" one day and it was horrible! If she started calling me Christina now, it would be like you calling your mom by her first name instead of "mom". To me, it is just a constant reminder of our close relationship and it is a reminder that I love to hear!
I love you so much!

Amanda, you have turned out to be a beautiful, fun, loving, mature, responsible woman. I hope you know that I will always be here for you. Know that I will always be honest with you and that I absolutely want the best for you.
I love you so much!
Happy Birthday!!!
This is so sweet! What a gift you two have in each other!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to a beautiful relationship between two beautiful sisters!
ReplyDeleteKari Schoeffler (A friend of Amanda's)
Christina... te queremos mucho... gerade weil Du bist, so wie Du bist!!!
ReplyDeleteWir lieben Dich
Opa, Tio y Tia
Can I hire to you write the tributes to my family? This is a great post Tina!