Oh my sweet, sweet Bianca! I can't tell you how much I LOVE this girl! Just thinking of her makes me smile! Today, my precious cousin turns 4 years old! I have so enjoyed the past 4 years with her.
She is definitely one of the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful little girls you will ever meet!
Most of you know the story behind why Bianca, I believe, was sent to us by God. If you don't know, it's definitely not a story I'm going to post, but one that I can tell you over coffee one day. Bianca has definitely filled an enormous hole in the hearts of many. She brightens up any room and just being with her makes me totally forget any of my problems.
One of my favorite things to do with Bianca is to teach her songs. During Christmas of 2008, before Bianca turned 3, we started singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". Let me tell you, that we sang that song over and over year round, and by this past Christmas she had pretty much gotten all the words down. Back in November, I was able to record her singing the entire song.
She's so funny, you can see she did NOT want me to help her at all! I am so happy I was able to capture that because now, only 4 months later, she now knows all the words!
When I say she's smart, let me tell you, I'm not exaggerating. She speaks mainly Spanish, and it is quite often when she actually teaches me a word I do not know. She has also corrected my pronunciation of Spanish words on several occasions! She has also (mainly by watching Blue's Clues and other shows of the sort) picked up a great deal of English on her own. It's so funny hearing her speak in English and wondering where she got that from.
I definitely cherish every minute I have to spend with her. I hope she knows how much I love and adore her and just how much she means to me. How I wish there were more time for me to take her to Chuck E Cheese and the zoo every weekend and spend more time with her, but that only makes our time together even more special!
Bianca, I love you more than you will ever know! I look forward to every trip to the zoo or to Chuck E Cheese and I look forward to all the new things you will want to do as you get older. You never cease to amaze me with how smart and kind you are. You truly have a piece of my heart!
Feliz Cumpleaños! Te quiero mucho!
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